Sunday, February 8, 2009

Happy Hobo Giveaway- A Game of Hobo Stew

Happy Hobo Giveaway!

Follow the instructions below to win three free Happy Hobo watercolor prints of your choosing. You can visit my online shop to view all the available prints at-

Here’s how this giveaway is going to go down: We’re making Hobo Stew!

Every time Hobo Stew is made, the ingredients are different, because we use whatever is lying around. I have 15 different ingredients for Hobo Stew written down in a secret place. What you need to do is 1. Go to the comment section of my blog between today (Monday) and Thursday at 9 pm. and 2. Write as many ingredients as you can think for a delicious Hobo Stew. Whoever writes the most ingredients that match the ones I already have written is the big winner! I will announce the winner on my blog the next day (Friday), so check back to see if you won. When you have found out that you’re the winner, you can write me and tell me which three prints you would like and I will send them to you posthaste. Good Luck! P.S.- if you post this giveaway on your own blog so all your friends, family, relations, and enemies can see it, and you end up winning, I will throw in an extra print to sweeten the deal.

It's True!


Jan said...

I found your blog through Hannah -- and I want to WIN. So - items for my Hobo Stew include: beef, potatoes, carrots, onions, peas, tomato soup, cream of mushroom soup, salt, pepper, canned tomatoes, mushrooms, green pepper, kidney beans, celery, corn, garlic -- I think I"m done.

Melanee said...

Here we go: Potatoes, carrots, one large rock (I learned that somewhere random), beans, water, orange rhine, celery, corn, random casseroles in the fridge, cheese, more potatoes, a sock?, sawdust, rice, and seasoning (anything you can find, salt, pepper, etc.). Bring to a boil and allow to simmer for 20 minutes.

P.S. I have a job proposition for you, so if you want to email me or Ammon I'll give you the details.

Hannah Stevenson said...

OK Snerd,
I'm finally getting to this. I say peas, carrots, a sole to a boot, shoe laces, raccoon heart and liver, potatoes, celery, salt, pepper, orange rinds, garlic.

I hope I win!

Micah said...

That print WILL be mine!
Here go's
1 Candy Cane
2 toenails
3 1/3 carton Chunky Monkey
4 a leather belt
5 chuckle eggs
6 boogers (the magic kind that taste good)
7 root beer
8 fish from the enchanted forest pond.
9 saltwater taffy
10 a hug
11 MSG
12 Fire, and lots of it.
13 twinkie cream
14 one calico
15 simmer and serve.

Unknown said...

I mean, I don't know what goes in a hobo stew, but I know that I would love the hobo collection that you have, and the garden veggie vampire. These would be perfect for the girls room.

Well, let me list some ingredients just in case:

Baked Beans,
Stones as in stone soup,
Weed (interpret how you want),
Frog legs,
Salt (free from fast food joint),
Pepper (ditto),
Wild Garlic

Sounds delectable.

Bean said...

black pepper


Camille said...

We don't have to ever eat our own recipe, right...?

1. Grease from hobo's hair
2. stuff from under hobo's finger and toenails
3. banana peel hobo found in a dumpster
4. the ends and peels of some onions that a hobo found in the same dumpster
5. rotten celery
6. easy cheese
7. the remnants of chile con carne from an open can
8. vodka - it gets cold on the streets
9. tomatoes stolen from Hannah's back yard garden
10. chewable diapers (see SNL chewable diaper skit)
11. wild radishes
12. raccoon carcass
13. rain water
14. ketchup packets
15. All simmered in a plethora of tears from one sad lonely hobo

Britta and Julia said...

Hey Ced,
I'm going to give this a try...
1.Ground beef beans
7.spices(to taste)
14.all the left-overs from the week(so they don't get wasted)

RuthandJordan said...

Hobo stew, eh?...
1 potatoes
2 ground beef
3 onion
4 corn
5 peas
6 gofer
7 carrots
8 field mice
9 corn on the cob (if you cut it up and moosh it in a stew, now thats good eatin'!)
10 forbidden donut
11 open-faced club sand-wedge
12 computer chips and salsa
13 water
14 juice from a paper sack
15 lots of love

I hope I'm close, I really want that vampire!
Good luck everyone,

grant olsen said...

That's easy: possum, squirrel, carrots, beets, radishes, corn, potatoes, "beef", bacon, celery, chips, taffy, tomatoes, cheese, ketchup, mustard, vinegar, beer, whiskey, eggs, noodles, french fries, rat, bananas, apples, candy corns, cotton candy, bingo chips, salt, pepper, and Natty Gann.

Leo Patrone said...

1. Hand soap from a bathroom.
2. Cheese found on a mouse trap.
3. Mouse found on a mouse trap.
4. The mouse trap.
5. Dog food.
6. Cat food.
8. Frech fries from Wendy's dumpster.
7. Chicken nuggets from Wendy's dumpster.
8. Nyquil.
9. Melted Snow.
10. Grass.
11. Banana peals.
12. BBQ sauce made from a friend's Jack Daniel's.
13. Leftover tortillas and chips from a restaurant.
14. A couple of dead pigeons.
15. Ice melting salt from the sidewalk.

I gotta win this!

Cedric Anderson said...

Leo, you may not win the matching competition, but with those ingredients, you're going to win something...

Dan said...

I want one... bad. I've actually been thinking about this since you posted the contest.

carrots, peas, green beans, beef stew, corn, beets, potatoes, tomato, canned tomato, canned corn, canned beans, beans, ketchup, mustard, bread, spaghetti, capers, water, olives, onions, creamed corn, chef-boy-r-dee, taco seasoning, chili, beans, beef, canned chicken, canned tuna, pork, pork 'n beans, eggs, ranch dressing, thousand island dressing, Italian dressing, milk, cream, macaroni, parsley, cilantro, oregano, marjoram, butter, crisco, oil, margarine, an old sock, basil, salt, pepper, bbq sauce, vinegar, lettuce, rice, fish sticks, taro root, red robin seasoning, green/red peppers, dirt, playing cards, an old boot. Maybe even a pair of underwear. Tobasco sauce.

Ok that's it. Hopefully I win. Your art is awesome.