Friday, October 23, 2009


Since school started I have been on a serious hobby hiatus. This blog has suffered unjustly and to make up for it, here are some pictures of the shoes I painted for Micah for his B-Day (which was back in April, and I just now finished the shoes. lame.).


Britta and Julia said...

Those are awesome! You know Cedric, my birthday is coming. LOL!
Seriously though, you should sell "shoe art". That is seriously awesome. You're soooo talented!

Hannah Stevenson said...

What do you think about doing a guest post on the ol' craft blog? These would be a huge hit!

Cedric Anderson said...

I'd love to do a guest post on your blog. I don't know if your crowd can handle my scary stuff though...

Hannah Stevenson said...

Oh Cedric,

You'd be surprised what "my crowd" can handle!

Hannah Stevenson said...

Let's do it...seriously.

RuthandJordan said...

Nice kicks unkie ced.
So, Hannah, what can your "crowd" handle?

Micah said...

I love my shoes!